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Group Recruitment Manager

Leandros Foteinias

Leandros is leading our Integrated Recruitment Team across Europe.

Leandros Foteinias

Originally from Greece, Leandros gained solid experience in retail recruiting in the UK and the Netherlands. He holds a Master's degree in Language and Communication and a certificate in Human Resources. 

He has more than 12 years of experience in International Recruitment, Human Resources and Business Operations. Leandros joined HE Space in 2017 and 3 years later he grew into the management role.

His expertise lies in the fields of global technical sourcing, talent acquisition and business operations. He enjoys working with people with diverse cultural backgrounds, while he is enthusiastic about new space innovations and trends.

Leandros at career development workshop

Working for HE Space, Leandros has the chance to support young graduates or more senior professionals to explore their potential in the space sector and help them find their dream job. Additionally, it is inspiring to visit and support customers like European institutions or space industry leaders, since we get the opportunity to have a glimpse and contribute to life-changing space projects.