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What happens to my application?
One of our recruiters will carefully screen your application. We will let you know as soon as we can if you are suitable for any of our current vacancies or could be suitable for future vacancies.
How often are new jobs posted on your website?
New vacancies are posted regularly, often several times a week, so check frequently. Why not sign up for our Job Alert and then you can receive all the relevant jobs straight to your inbox?
What compensation can I expect?
There is no ‘one size fits all’ in such a dynamic and challenging industry! During the recruitment process, we will make you an offer which is determined by several factors including the customer-assigned job grade, your suitability for the job, relevant experience and qualifications. Please remember that salary is only part of the overall remuneration package we offer.
Do I need to be in possession of a valid work permit to work at HE Space?
The need to hold or obtain a valid work permit is governed by the laws and regulations in the country where the work is performed. This will usually depend on the position and the country. We offer opportunities in several European countries and we encourage you to send us your CV for further assessment.
What is a contractor?
A contractor is a professional who has an employment relationship with one company and renders his/her services to the company’s customer.
Where can I get more information?
For more information, please send an e-mail at jobs@hespace.com.
I have a family. How can HE Space help us to relocate?
Please rest assured that HE Space has many years’ experience relocating individuals and families from all over the world to work at our sites in Germany, UK, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Italy and Czech Republic.
We have links with professional relocation companies, moving companies and accommodation agencies to ensure a smooth move. We will organise all aspects of legal registration, administration and permits so that you don’t have to deal with a bureaucratic maze on your own.
For instance for employees relocating to the Netherlands we have details of international (or bilingual) schools in the region where you will be living so that your children can settle in quickly.
We can provide extensive information for you to read and discuss before you move and we are there to provide on-going help before, during and after your relocation so don’t be afraid to ask if you still have questions!
I am particularly interested in training and personal development. How does your company support this?
HE Space takes a broad view of training and professional development. Every individual has different needs. Some of our employees are at the beginning of their careers and others have 30 years’ experience in their field.
We want to help all our employees to continue to learn and grow professionally and personally. We will discuss your training needs with you on an annual basis and help you to develop in your current job and future career.
For employees who relocate to Germany, Spain or the Netherlands, we offer language courses to help you to settle into your new country, even though the daily working language in the space industry is English.
The company also provides support for subscriptions to professional bodies, associations and trade publications.
Where does the HE in HE Space stands for?
HE is an abbreviation of Hernandez Engineering. Mike Hernandez was the co-founder of HE Space. Do you want to learn more about our space roots? Check it out here.