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Data Processing Engineer

You will support operations related to Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) maintenance in the area of data processing systems from instrument source packet level through to level-2.

Data Processing round


  • Preparing and providing the support of the day to day operations and maintenance;
  • Analysis and testing of the facilities (including the handling of anomalies);
  • Anomaly investigation and resolution;
  • Design of upgrades and enhancements;
  • Act as focal point for integrating the individual software components into the related data processing systems;
  • Setting-up and implementing maintenance policies and procedures as well as the co-ordination with external providers of maintenance services
  • Development of system monitoring and performance evaluation tools.

Skills and Experience:

  • University Degree in a related Subject;
  • Maintenance and engineering of large scale software systems, in particular mission/instrument data processing related;
  • Software development lifecycles;
  • Software testing, unit test suite maintenance, automated testing, verification and validation;
  • Software debugging and profiling, source code control systems;
  • EO front-end processors and LO processing within a framework based solution;
  • ESA generic Instrument Processing Facility (IPF) interface specification;
  • Networking technologies and tools (e.g. CCSDS protocols, Space Data Link protocols, FTP, PGM, TCP/IP, UDP multicasting, and tools such as Wireshark);
  • C/C++/Java programming language experience in a UNIX/Linux based environment;
  • Fluency in English is mandatory; knowledge of another European language is an advantage.